Thank you for sharing your thoughts, feedback and ideas with the Resort Municipality of Whistler as we planned for our 2022 Budget and the next five-year budget cycle from 2022 to 2026.
Whistler’s Budget is shaped by many factors which include Council priorities, increases or decreases to the demand for services in the community such as a rise or decrease in the number of full-time residents or visitors, the age of our equipment and infrastructure, economic factors such as COVID-19 and the long-term financial sustainability of the municipality.
For historic budget documents visit
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Interested in learning more about the budget process?
- Watch the budget open house video recording
- Review the infographics and documents on this page
- View the latest news
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Quick Poll
Whistler’s corporate plan sets out Community Balance, Climate Action and Housing as three key focus areas for the community long term. What area do you think is most important for the RMOW to focus budget spending on?
This poll has concluded.
Balance the budget
Build your budget
When interacting with our budget, think about questions such as: Why is this service important? Do I want to change what is provided now? Will the community benefit? Who can afford to pay? This can be both an interesting and challenging exercise!
Select the 'Help' button for detailed instructions. There are two ways to adjust the budget:
- By changing the way money is spent
The spending section allows you to increase or decrease the amount of money that is spent on certain items. Click the arrow to the right to expand a category to see its sub-categories. This is where you will make your changes. Some spending categories are locked, while others ask scenario questions to gauge your support for a change in service levels. - By changing the way money is brought in
The revenue section allows you to increase or decrease the amount of money coming from different sources. You will see the total amount of money from that source as well as the current tax rate, if applicable.
Note: Municipal budgets must always be balanced. If the bar at the top of your simulation is showing:
- a deficit (red), try increasing the revenue sources, or decreasing your spending
- a surplus (green), spending must be increased, or revenues should be decreased.