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Share your thoughts on the proposed 2023 Budget

Between December 1 and December 16, provide your input on the proposed 2023 Budget by:

  1. Viewing the December 1 Budget Open House video below
  2. Reviewing the 2023 Budget documents
  3. Reviewing the Budget Highlights
  4. Sharing an idea and your budget priorities below
  5. Asking a question below. Staff will respond to your question below in 1-3 business days

The Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) plans its annual and five-year budgets to manage day-to-day services, operations, projects, and infrastructure investments and to take into consideration the longer-term strategy, challenges, and vision for Whistler.

Strong fiscal management remains the foundation of the RMOW's budget process. The budget is developed to manage current demands but is also focused on the longer-term strategy and vision for the community.

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What do you think is the most important for the RMOW to focus budget spending on?

This poll has concluded.

Total Votes: 59

Quick Poll

What is your most preferred way to receive municipal news and information?

This poll has concluded.

Total Votes: 17

Quick Poll

Tell us about yourself. Are you a:

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Total Votes: 17

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Select a respondent from the list that you would most like to answer your question.

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The Project Team

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{{ answer.respondent.name }}
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Budget Highlights