Each fall, the RMOW prepares its annual and five-year budgets to manage day-to-day services, operations, projects, and infrastructure investments.

Public input is an important component to developing the budget, as it’s helps the RMOW to understand community priorities, needs and aspirations.


On December 19, Council approved the 2024 Budget Guidelines. This provides direction for staff to prepare the 'Five-Year Financial Plan 2024-2028 Bylaw'. View the staff presentation and staff report to Council.

Ask your 2024 Budget Questions here

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Your 2024 Budget Ideas

We'd love to hear your ideas and comments on what you heard at the Special Council Meeting (held on Tuesday, November 2) and at the Budget Fireside Mingle (held Thursday, November 9).Note: Ideas that do not contribute to a safe and respectful space for others, or are unrelated to this topic, will be removed. Please review our moderation policy. Do not include any personal information about yourself or others.By submitting your idea, you consent to your screen name and response being collected by Bang the Table, which stores data on a server located in Canada and provides it to the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW). This collection of your personal information is under the authority of Section 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of gathering feedback on the RMOW budget. The personal information collected includes your screen name and opinions. Your response will be made public once reviewed and may be included in future reports to Council. Your personal information will be stored securely by the RMOW and deleted one year after the completion of the project. If you have questions about how your personal information is being collected, used or shared please contact privacy@whistler.ca

Help us build the 2024 Budget

Help us build the 2024 Budget survey has now concluded