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Youth Survey


Attention Youth Centre users! We want to hear about your experience using the Youth Centre. Dish the goods here.

This survey is anonymous, and all the personal questions are optional. Your feedback helps us to understand your needs of the Youth Centre so we can provide you with relevant, awesome programming so you will keep coming back!

This information is collected by the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) under section 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used by the RMOW to gather community input on our existing programs offered through the Youth Centre. By completing this survey, you consent to your responses being collected by third party, Social Pinpoint, which stores data on a server located in Canada and provides it to the RMOW. Your personal information will be stored securely by the RMOW. Your personal information will not be shared outside the RMOW for any purpose and will be deleted after one year. A summary report including your information may be included in a future Council Report. If you have questions about how your personal information is being collected, used or shared please contact privacy@whistler.ca

2. What is your gender identity
The Employment Equity Act defines a racialized group also known as visible minorities as "persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour.
Disabilities can be both visible and invisible, and can be cognitive (thinking, reasoning, remembering, imagining, learning words, and using language) or physical.
7. If you have experienced a barrier (something that has prevented you from coming to the Centre), please select all that apply.
10. If you have visited the Youth Centre, approximately how many time a week do you usually visit the Centre?
School Year
School Year
11. Generally, what days do you visit the Youth Centre most?

Tell us how much you agree with the following statements. 0 means not at all, 10 means totally agree.

0% 100%
0% 100%
0% 100%
0% 100%
0% 100%
0% 100%
20. What are the main reasons you attend the Youth Centre? Select all that apply.