On December 7, 2021, Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) Council directed staff to proceed with the development of a framework to regulate the sale of retail cannabis in Whistler.

The provincial Cannabis Control and Licensing Act authorizes local governments to:

  • allow or prohibit cannabis retail as a land use;
  • establish the location of cannabis retail locations;
  • establish business licence application fees and operational requirements through the business regulation power.

While many communities have created regulatory frameworks to approve and licence cannabis retail, it has been prohibited as a use in all zones by the RMOW zoning bylaw.

As part of the creation of cannabis retail regulations in Whistler, engagement with the community and with key stakeholders including the cannabis industry is important to help identify community goals and priorities for implementation.

Thank you for providing feedback. The consultation period has now closed. An engagement summary was shared when staff present the Cannabis Retail Policy to Council for adoption on August 2. Project updates will be posted on whistler.ca/cannabisretail

Proposed Approach

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Where do you live?

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Total Votes: 78

Quick Poll

What role do you play PRIMARILY in the cannabis industry? (please select the ONE that best describes your primary role)

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Total Votes: 61



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