The “Whistler Sessions” Scenarios are stories about what could happen in Whistler’s future, from 2022 to 2050.

Whistler faces uncertain times for which there is no pre-existing roadmap to guide the way. In an uncertain future, scenarios help build shared capacity to talk together about how things could unfold. Thinking about the future together can help people collaborate to create the future they want.

The scenarios are not predictions about what will happen (forecasts) or what should happen (a vision).

Rather, the scenarios hypothesize different ways the future could unfold for Whistler’s communities, economy, environment, and culture.

The four scenarios are meant to be a catalyst for discussion and asks the question; how could our shared future unfold? And how do we improve Whistler’s future through more resilient and collaborative strategies?

Read The Whistler Sessions Scenarios Booklet

I've read the Whistler Sessions Scenarios booklet. Now what?

This is where the interesting work starts! You can use these scenarios as a means for personal reflection or they can be shared and contemplated with your friends, family, networks and colleagues.

Learn more below.

This information is collected under the authority of Section 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of gathering feedback on The Whistler’s Sessions. By participating in these activities, you consent to your responses being shared on this webpage for the duration of the project. Your responses are being collected by a third party, Social Pinpoint, which stores data on a server located in Canada. If you have questions about how your personal information is being collected, used or shared please contact Jill Brooksbank at

Share your ideas and reflections

After reading the scenarios, share your reflections and ideas below. This is your space to share and collaborate with your fellow community members.

  • What feelings or thoughts arose for you as you listened to these four stories?
  • What is one question you are asking yourself?
  • How are you already contributing to the future you want to see in Whistler?
  • What other actions must you or your community/organization stop doing, start doing, and keep doing?

Once you've added your ideas and reflections, have a look through the other 'actions' your fellow community members have added. If you like an idea, click the button or leave a comment to share your enthusiasm, or to build on the idea.

Note: We recommend that you use a screen name or alias in you want to remain anonymous. Abusive or disrespectful comments will be removed.

Timeline activity: Whistler's past and imagined future

Taking a brief look at Whistler's recent history, what moments do you think will define the next 25 years?

  1. After watching the Whistler Sessions video or reading the scenarios, contemplate what defining key moments and opportunities could be in Whistler’s future.
  2. 'Add idea' (blue button in the bottom right-hand corner) to the timeline by dragging a themed, coloured pin to the year to the related to your idea (disergard the 'address field).
  3. A box will pop-up inviting you to enter your idea via text, video or imagery.
  4. Add as many future moments/opportunities as you can imagine!

Note: You can move the timeline by clicking and dragging left or right. Disregard the 'address field'

Do not disclose any personal, private information.

To enlarge and read the timeline graphic below, click on the image.

The Whistler Sessions scenarios initiative is convened by the Resort Municipality of Whistler. It is creating a community and region-wide network of people who are committed to collaborate for a better future for Whistler. The results of the Whistler Sessions work was culminated on the shared, unceded territory of the Lil’wat People, known in their language as ĹiÌwat7úl, and the Squamish People, known in their language as Skwxwú7mesh. We respect and commit to a deep consideration of their history, culture, stewardship and voice.

June 2020

Adoption of Official Community Plan and Vision

Official Community Plan Vision Statement

Whistler: A place where our community thrives, nature is protected and guests are inspired.

See more information about the Whistler Community Vision.

June 2020

Whistler Recovery Working Group first convenes

From June through December 2020 several activities took place including four Community Conversations virtual town hall meetings and associated online engagement, as well as the formation of two working groups comprised of community-wide representatives. Taking key information from community input as well as sector groups, the Whistler Recovery Working Group and the Social Services Working Group helped to identify key short term actions for the municipality and other organizations toward pandemic recovery.

A systems approach was taken in this work to look at our community as a connected system rather than silos or special interest groups. The groups were tasked with identifying initiatives that are cross-organizational and would not otherwise be delivered by any one organization.

October 2021

Whistler Sessions Workshop #1

In fall 2021, to build on the work of the Whistler Recovery Working Group to date, the RMOW convened the Whistler Sessions: Possible Futures to Guide Us Beyond Recovery. This initiative brought together a diverse group of people from the earlier group and others from across Whistler, Squamish Nation, and Lil'wat Nation to work through a structured and creative process to develop a set of scenarios - or stories - about Whistler's multiple, possible futures.

Over the course of three two-day workshops, and work between workshops, the process involved working through these three questions.

1) What is happening? How do we see, from our different perspectives, the complex current reality in and around Whistler?

2) What could happen? How could – not will, not should – our lives unfold over the decades ahead?

3) What could and must we do? How must we act – individually and together – to recover from COVID-19 and achieve our Vision?

In the first workshop the group worked to identify the current environment as well as the key uncertainties that would be important in developing the scenarios. A sub committee was struck to help with continued work on the scenarios between workshops.

December 2021

Whistler Sessions Workshop #2

In the second workshop the group heard from guest speakers on key topics including trends and implications of climate action, over tourism and pandemic recovery in the European Union and Whistler municipal planning history. Early draft of the scenarios was further developed by the team.

March 2022

Whistler Sessions Workshop #3

In the third workshop, the Whistler Sessions team members invited representatives from their networks to an Implications Workshop during which the scenarios were used and piloted during a workshop of around 100 people. Further insights were gathered and a final draft of the scenarios was further developed forming the basis for the final document. Ongoing work to complete the Whistler Sessions scenarios booklet and materials continued. Team members started to use the scenarios in their work.

November 2022

The Whistler Sessions Scenarios booklet published

The Whistler Sessions Scenarios booklet was published and distributed in both hard copy and digital versions kicking off the formal implementation of the scenarios as a tool for the community to use in planning for the future, today.

January 2023

Reunion and Implications Workshop Facilitation Training

The Whistler Sessions team reunited and introduced new attendees to the Whistler Sessions group. Discussions were held to identify where and how the scenarios have been used thus far, how they can impact and influence our work as well as developments people have noticed that signal any of the scenarios at play today. During the workshop facilitation training and tools were introduced enabling team members to bring Whistler Sessions Implications Workshops to their organizations and stakeholders, and integrate this content into current planning practices.

May 25, 2023

Whistler Sessions Scenarios Community Briefing

An introduction to the Whistler Sessions Scenarios and an engaging group discussion on what we should start doing, stop doing and keep doing to become a place where our community thrives, nature is protected and guests are inspired.