
Alternative Development Concepts

7 June 2022

The applicant has submitted alternative development concepts for discussion and input. They are conceptual designs exploring options for the site intended to be preliminary concepts to provoke discussion and elicit feedback.

Future Land Uses

Both alternative concepts introduce a mixed residential development program including townhouses and low- and mid-rise housing surrounding a central naturalized area. Employee housing and community and commercial uses are proposed in a ‘community hub’ located in the south-east portion of the site. Roadways are minimized, and parking is primarily underground to maximize public realm and open space, and walking and cycling connections to the existing trail network are emphasized. The proposed development envisions an extension of the natural environment across the site, strengthening connection to Whistler Village, and animating the site with a mix of housing types and tenures and generous green space open to the public.

The applicant has not proposed on-site recreation facilities in either site concept. Improvements to resort recreation will be considered in parallel to other identified community needs. Due to the opportunity offered by the central and highly-connected location of the development site for housing, and the space-intensive nature of recreation facilities, their inclusion has only been contemplated as part of an off-site potential for amenity delivery.