A planning process for the rezoning and future development on a 5.2-hectare area connected to Whistler Village has been initiated with the Resort Municipality of Whistler.

The RMOW has established an enhanced planning process for this application, to add engagement and input opportunities beyond what is required under a typical rezoning application. The enhanced process is made up of three phases. Each phase has multiple touchpoints with Council, committees, stakeholders and the community, and opportunities for review and feedback on the project. Learn more about 4500 Northlands.

Project Update

The Phase 2 consultation period is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts about the alternative development concepts.

Using the framework created during Phase 1, the applicant submitted alternative development concepts that outline their vision for development of the site and includes a site analysis, response to the guiding principles and key RMOW policies, a rezoning rationale, and presents two high-level alternative site development concepts. These concepts were not intended as final proposals for the site, but to be preliminary concepts to provoke discussion and elicit feedback.

Submission documents are available as PDFs in the links on the right under 'Applicant Submission' with highlights of the development concepts shown below under the 'Design Concepts' tab.

Through the Phase 2 consultation period, the community was asked to provide feedback to identify the preferred elements in the alternative development concepts, to identify features and land uses that are missing and should be considered for inclusion, and to give input on community amenity and benefit priorities. An engagement summary will be shared when staff present the Phase 2 Update to Council in fall 2022.

Following Phase 2, the applicant will develop a preferred concept, taking into account the feedback received during Phase 2, to be advanced to Council for direction to proceed in Phase 3. Phase 3 will essentially be a standard rezoning process that involves preparing draft amending bylaws for consideration by Council, and the public hearing and notification process.



CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

The personal information collected in this survey is under the authority of Section 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of gathering feedback on the 4500 Northlands Rezoning Application. The personal information collected includes your personal opinions and your IP address. By completing this survey you consent to your responses being collected by a third party, Bang the Table, which stores data on a server located in Canada and provides it to the Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW). Your personal information will be stored securely by the RMOW. Your personal information will not be shared outside the RMOW for any purpose and will be deleted one year after the completion of the project. A summary report including your information may be included in a future Council Report. If you have questions about how your personal information is being collected, used or shared please contact Tracy Napier at tnapier@whistler.ca(External link).

This survey is anonymous. Please do not include any confidential or identifying personal information in your responses about yourself or a third party.

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