
Personal Reflection Questions

20 March 2023

  • What feelings does each scenario evoke in me?
  • What excites me?
  • What worries me?
  • What do I see now that I didn't see before?
  • Are there themes in the scenarios that I see starting to see emerge?
  • Is there a scenario that I prefer, and one that I want to avoid?
  • How might these scenarios influence my personal actions on a daily basis?
  • What could I be doing to help create a better future? Individually? In my workplace or organization? How might these scenarios influence how I increase my involvement in the community?
  • How might the scenarios guide, or even change, the strategic direction of my community group or business?
  • How might these scenarios influence what I choose learn about?

Activities for personal reflection

  • Write down responses to the above reflection questions
  • Journal your thoughts about each of the scenarios and how they may influence or impact your day-to-day
  • Create artwork (painting, illustration, storyboard) depicting one or more of the scenarios